The latest Combination Vending Machines we are now using are a new breed of Glass front machines that can carry Chips, Chocolates and a variety of soft drinks including 250ml, 375ml and 600ml cans and bottles, making it a very versatile machine.
They are robust machines which should give many years of reliable service. They have a very simple programming menu which make them easy to operate and service, reducing re-stocking times.
We have been running these machines for over a while and find them very reliable. The slider coin feeding system works well at reducing jams and faulty coins been inserted into the machine.
They come in 3 sizes ( VM3, VM4 and VM5) which makes choosing the right size to match customer needs, very easy.
They have the electronics to enable Note acceptors to be installed which makes it very convenient for customers who may not have any coins with them.
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